I Think I Will....
Open a Multiply Bookstore

Browsing through my Multiply contacts, I saw Jamie's Serendipity Store and I realized how cool the whole thing was. She sells fashion items... all of them for affordable prices. And she even has the whole delivery scheme figured out. :) And it hit me... I can do this for my books! The second hand ones I've been trying to sell for the longest time, but haven't figured out a good system for the whole thing yet.
Jamie, I love you, mwah! For those who want to check out her site, go to serendpity store @ multiply. :) Then check out mine cooming up soon!
Make a Weight Loss Bracelet

This is the plan: I have to lose at least 8 pounds by October 18, just in time for Damae's wedding. It's do-able, I'm sure. I mean 8 pounds for 2 months, that's not such a tall order. Then I have to lose another 8 pounds by December 8, in time for Eman and Sem's wedding. Then another 4 pounds by Jamie's wedding cum January 2009. Then another 4 pounds by Valentine's Day 2009. On the off-hand, it's so I would look good in the gowns, but on a deeper level, I just want to be pretty. :) If you know what I mean.
So I will make a bracelet with 24 beads, and everytime I lose a pound, I'll remove it from the string. I'l try to wear it everyday, so that I won't forget what i have to do: exercise, not eat much. I've done it sick, I can certainly do it while healthy.
Enjoy Globe Visibility

Our PLDT landline has gone haywire for the last 2 months, and I am seriously hating PLDT for it. I am not going to pay for the last 2 months' bill, certainly. Phone isn't so important to us as the internet connection is. That's why we opted to buy Globe Visibility Broadband. No, not Smart Bro. I mean, that's just PLDT all over again. So now, we have better access, and nothing's stopping me from putting up that bookstore.
Wish me luck!

Browsing through my Multiply contacts, I saw Jamie's Serendipity Store and I realized how cool the whole thing was. She sells fashion items... all of them for affordable prices. And she even has the whole delivery scheme figured out. :) And it hit me... I can do this for my books! The second hand ones I've been trying to sell for the longest time, but haven't figured out a good system for the whole thing yet.
Jamie, I love you, mwah! For those who want to check out her site, go to serendpity store @ multiply. :) Then check out mine cooming up soon!
Make a Weight Loss Bracelet

This is the plan: I have to lose at least 8 pounds by October 18, just in time for Damae's wedding. It's do-able, I'm sure. I mean 8 pounds for 2 months, that's not such a tall order. Then I have to lose another 8 pounds by December 8, in time for Eman and Sem's wedding. Then another 4 pounds by Jamie's wedding cum January 2009. Then another 4 pounds by Valentine's Day 2009. On the off-hand, it's so I would look good in the gowns, but on a deeper level, I just want to be pretty. :) If you know what I mean.
So I will make a bracelet with 24 beads, and everytime I lose a pound, I'll remove it from the string. I'l try to wear it everyday, so that I won't forget what i have to do: exercise, not eat much. I've done it sick, I can certainly do it while healthy.
Enjoy Globe Visibility

Our PLDT landline has gone haywire for the last 2 months, and I am seriously hating PLDT for it. I am not going to pay for the last 2 months' bill, certainly. Phone isn't so important to us as the internet connection is. That's why we opted to buy Globe Visibility Broadband. No, not Smart Bro. I mean, that's just PLDT all over again. So now, we have better access, and nothing's stopping me from putting up that bookstore.
Wish me luck!
Liv, Correction lang, our wedding is on December 6, 2008 (Saturday) :D