
Book in Hand: The Magic Circle
Song in Mind: Still A Sorta Fairytale (the song just plan stuck in my head! Argh!)
Word in Mouth: Dubwash and Dubbins (coz I just couldn't say Damn out loud)

I'm not feeling great today. I'm a bit dizzy and I can't keep my eyes focused on the computer monitor. And I don't feel like praising my work today. It's one of those times I'd rather be anywhere but here. I'd rather be home and vegetating. Daddy doesn't have summer classes this year and I'm back to commuting the two-hour long travel from home to work. This morning, had to ride two jitneys all the way to work... haha! My face felt stiff with layers of dust when I got to the office. Not pretty.

Hay. I wish we were rich. If we were, I could have my own car. And I don't have to work at all! And I could take my masterals and my doctorals and use that as an excuse not to work! Ha! I'll just write all day and watch TV all night. I'll read all the books I want and I could travel anywhere I want. But then again, what kind of person would I be if I had it easy my whole life? Arrgh. I hate that I know I'd probably be some lump of clay with no self-worth if I had everything my way. Challenges build character! %#!# I'd just sooner wish that it wasn't true.

Yeah, okay. I'm probably a fiber stronger than those who had it easy all their life then. That's the up-side. Just have to remember it, and that isn't easy. Oh, I have a better image in mind pala:

Paris Hilton in the TV Show Simple Plan. Pretty, loaded, adored, but much bored out of her wits as well.

So I might not have it so bad after all.


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