Ribbons Undone

Book in Hand: Stone Angels
Song in Mind: Ribbons Undone by Tori Amos
Word in Mouth: Long Weekend!!!

she's a girl / rising from a shell / running to spring /
It is her time / Watch her / With Ribbons Undone /
She's a rose / in a Lily's cloak / she can hide her charms /
It is her right / there will be time / to chase the sun /
with Ribbons undone /

Without the Ribbons

Maybe I'm lucky to be able to relate the lines above to my childhood. It must mean I had a happy childhood. Which I did, I really did. Problem with a happy childhood is that it's so dang hard to leave! And I hold on too hard and for too long. :) That's how it probably would be for the rest of my life. So, my daydreams of becoming a self-contained, graceful, reserved, Ms. Perfect Manners would probably never come true. I like being clumsy, and irrepressible, and silly and yes, even, sablay, too much.

Late-Night Psychologizing

Last night, my sister and I bonded well into the night... talking about our depressing love lives. I like nights like that, when we were both relaxed and good-humored and talking about the most nonsensical things ... like (see depressing phrase above) :) She's into a guy who is so sablay and gulo. I'm into a guy who's exactly the opposite. Thing is, I'm the sablay and gulo one and she's the practical, logical one and we probably had our guy's mixed up, kaya we're having such a hard time out of it! Haha!

What I liked best about last night is I was reaffirmed that I have made wrong decisions in the past. Was looking too low when I could've watched someone with wings take my breath away. Or something dramatic to that effect. Pareho kami ma-drama, guess it runs in the family. And now that I have the heart to see again, after years of having blind-sided my own self in fear of ... well, I don't know exactly, it just might be too late. I did tell her about my new interest who reminds me of childhood dreams and carefree nights. I was acting a bit childish, me wanting to shoo the feeling and the memory of the boy away... because I've convinced myself there'll be no good end to it... as per usual. But as an eternal optimist and daydreamer... how do I stop asking, how do I keep myself from believing that there might be a "What If" somewhere in my story and it's worth taking a chance on?

Liv's Fairytale

Every girl has her own impossible story in her head, the way things are supposed to go. I have my own. But so far, have not had much luck in stuff coming true. People say that fairy stories aren't true. Some days I'm inclined to finally agree with them. But most days, there is no accounting for the conviction I feel that if fairytales did not exist, then I would've perished years ago. There must be something out there that's keeping me alive. Stories must come from somewhere real and human.

Love is A Decision You Make

I have a good friend who went through a lot recently. She lost someone she loved for most of her life. And the loss made her think and rethink a lot of things about life and love. She told me the other day, that Love is a Decision You Make. I've always thought it was a feeling that creeps into your heart, taking you by surprise. But when she said that, I realized that there's credit in her theory. It is the opportunities that steals into your life without advance announcement, but once you see the glimmer of it, it is in your hands whether you go for it or not. I like talking with her. See, I could've lived my entire life forgetting that it is a choice (if you care to remember, olivia), and Fate could only do so much for me.


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