Loose Ends

Economics of Living

I almost can't believe that I managed to stretch my Php 500 to last me one whole week! And that's inclusive of commuting fare and office lunches. If five hundred bucks is enough for me for a week, I'd still have 80% of my monthly salary for savings. But why the hell don't I have any? I'm a lousy spender, I am. About 60% goes to my family, and the rest I spend on books.

This summer it would have to be different though. I want to give 90% to my parents because they both didn't get summer classes this year. And even that wouldn't be enough for the household expenses. Anyway, I'll just get enough to last me every two weeks... meaning just a thousand bucks. Wow! If I can make it through this summer with just that... I'd be so proud of myself!

And after this summer, I could keep on doing this and save a lot! The thing is, the most important factor I have to resist is the impulse to buy more books. Arggh, books! How am I to exist without them for too long????

Confessions of a Human Sofa

I was brought to the realization that I miss our old couch back when I was about six years old. It was this old, ratty-looking soft couch that uncomplainingly accepted the abuse I've inflicted on it. The thing I liked about it is that no matter how much I jump on it or punch it, it'll never leave any proof that my Mum could see. It was a fun and understanding couch. =P Now, the one we have is made of wood. You won't believe how careful you have to be not to leave any cuts or marks on it. Also, it's definitely not soft. It hurts my back when I stay on it for too long. But my parents bought it because it looks nicer in the living room.

I miss that old couch. I'm so much like it.

No kidding.

The other day, a workmate deliberately chose to sit next to me because he wanted somewhere soft to lean on -- and that is of course, my pillow-like shoulders and arms. It hit me that this had been the story of my life for the last twenty three years. For most of my friends -- boys and girls alike. Which brought me to another realization, guys actually see me as a piece of furniture. Wow! I'm a bit literal about this but hey, look at it closely. I'm the old ratty-loking couch, comfortable and soft. That sort of answers an earlier rant I posted about why I'm still obviously single. Everybody wants that sleeker, more designer-looking couch. It's discomfitting as hell but hey, it sure is purty! Thing is, at the end of the day, everybody misses the old, ratty-looking comfortable couch. By the time they do though, it's probably fallen to pieces already. =D Oh, woe.

End of Days

Yesteray, a rumor spread in town that the Philippines would be experiencing an earthquake which would destroy half the country. At exactly 5:00 p.m.

WoW! They can even tell the time of the Apocalypse now, huh? =P

It's so funny because I was reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where the story started twelve minutes before the destruction of Earth. I felt like ARthur Dent.

Of course, there was no earthquake at all. I'm still typing, ain't I? But In case it does sometime soon, let me just say: the answer to life, the universe and everything isn't love, peace or the number 42.

It's chocolate.


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