Prayer of An Orphan

I think I mentioned before that our favourite priest (Fr. Mar Ladra) recently published a prayer book called "Straight from the Heart." I had the honour of being asked to write a prayer for orphans to be published in the book. And today, when the world seemed bleak, i re-read what I wrote and it gave me back a bit more heart.

I would just like to share it with everyone, it being Lent and all. I also encourage you to buy the prayer book; it is a comforting companion.


Father Almighty, I stand before you, alone,
stripped of the borders that once kept me safe,
grieving and at a complete loss.

You gifted me with such good parents
and it is difficult to accept that I lost them this early, this fast.

In Your mercy, lead me through this darkness
into the light of your Presence.
Help me remain strong against the onslaught of doubt,
confusion and pain.
Help me keep to the lessons my parents taught me
and to keep my conviction to remain trusting in Your Divine Plan.

Help me find comfort in knowing that
my parents have returned to You
and are now free from any earthly pain or sorrow.

God our Father,
You are my shield, my strong and secret place
which I can run to when in despair.
Please hold me in the palm of Your hand
and cover me wholly with Your protection.

I lift my future up to you
and all the challenges I am yet to face without my parents.
I trust that each experience will make me
become the person You desire me to be,
until at long last, I come to the day when
after having completed my earthly mission,
I return to heaven to find You and my parents
waiting to welcome me back Home.



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