Looking for Dr. Geller

Book in Hand: War of the Worlds by HG Wells
Song in Mind: Same ground by Kitchie Nadal

War of the Worlds
IS fantastic.

The song Same Ground
IS addictive.

Ross Geller
IS fictional. But epitomizes the kind of guy I want to be with.

Of course, late bloomer that I am, I just realized it now. Thing is, he probably does not exist. Not the same smart, sweet, funny and a bit neurotic guy he was on Friends. I've known smart guys who are a bit lacking in the "sweet and thoughtful" factor. I've known sweet guys who just doesn't have the right edge and just end up completely saccharine. I've known neurotic guys... and well, they're neurotic, period.

This is probably not healthy, but oh well. Live life dangerously. Hyukhyuk. :)

- = - = - = - = - = - = -

Anyway, I have been thinking about getting a scholarship for my Masteral Degree. Thing is, I still am a little vague on what degree I want. I do believe it'll be a good career move to study a specialization in Social Development. But at the same time, I want something new and exciting. I really am buggered.

On another note, Andrea started working already last Monday. She works at SGV now. And she looks like she's having fun there-- in the sense that she's not doing anything yet. I kind of envy her for working in Makati, because she's ever so nearer Powerbooks Live. But other than that, I guess, Makati is kind of far. And populous. And too upscale for me. I guess, I could leave that to her and Leah. I'm kind of okay with Manila's smelly streets for now. And the total absence of cute guys anywhere. sigh.You see, I keep having to say this over and over so that I'd end up believing it. It's just basic psychology. ;)


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