Ala Eh

Why haven't I noticed before that Batangenyos are actually pretty hot?

Well, maybe because I haven't met any one like that in Brgy. As-is being limited as I was to the Elementary School where the motherly principal and unmarried teachers reign supreme. But with this new project trying to assess if Artificial Reefs are viable in the area, I'm working with freaking scuba divers with super buff bods. Well, okay, so not all of them. The Head of the Frogmen of the Coastal Guards looks more like a mini-Erap. Maybe, just one of them. With the loveliest chocolate brown skin. Not handsome, but with shoulders like that, who needs a pretty face? AH.

*Olivia drools. *

But I'm not finished yet. There's this other guy. Hehe, shorter than I am (surprise!), and he's good-looking. The same chocolate brown skin. Ultra bright smile. He reminds me of someone I know. Maybe somebody I even liked before, I just can't remember who. The tragedy though is that he's already married. With a kid to boot.

Drat. Late again. Story of my life.

ANyway, I think it's not the "prettiness" of the face that made me call them hot. Not even the super buff bods. (Because since when did I care about being buff?) It's the way they speak, with that adorable lilt (Irish people of the Philippines). And they always speak with confidence. It can almost be mistaken for arrogance. But if you look a bit more carefully, you can see it's just because they're guileless. So cool.

Of course, since I won't be diving anytime soon, I'd probably be out of their radar.

So dive, you say. But I can't because I have a very real fear of wet suits. Or more specifically, how I would look wearing one. Oh my god, I'd look like a paddling Buddha in Black.

So now, I'll just look. And dream about their chocolate skins.

How utterly staid is that? Argh.


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