Gean Chronicles

The story of Gea had been swimming inside my head for three years now. I was in fourth year college when I first thought of writing a story, with characters who are just as fantastical and lovely as my real friends in the book club are. As of today, I have revised all of its twelve pages --- not even making one-eight of the whole chapter. I have revised it seven times. I'm starting to believe it's kind of hopeless.

It WAS supposed to be an ode to the Book CLub. One character for each of us. And I'm starting to believe that it was my first mistake. I can't base fantastic characters solely on real people I know. I couldn't play around with their destinies much. For instance, I can't make Edvar ( a warrior) fall in love with Muriuell (a nymph) because it'll cause real trouble in my earth-life. I'm sure I can make Pelesse as dark as I want it to be and I would hear no objection from dear Felix, but it'll be too predictable if he's the only one with a dark side. And Amnor is pretty much a blank slate since I figured the person he's based on is always so practical and logical in real life that he pretty much avoids all skirmishes. And without skirmishes, I have no plot. Therefore no story. Ha!

I'm sorry. I believe I just have to abandon this one. I once believed it's the one story I absolutely have to write in this life. But maybe it's a little too early for me to attempt it. Maybe next time.

And now, as I wrap this up, about to meet the real persons who inspired the play characters, I smile a little sadly, wistfully. I've died a little with this small failing, but I'll make up for it. I hear the faint sounds of an idea shimmering somewhere in the recesses of my subconscious and it'll come to me soon. I just know it, with all of my soul.


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