
Danielle Steele novels are, like, so high school-ish.

I think the last Steele story I read was Fine Things which wasn't as good as The Ring. But I'll give you this: at least the storylines and plots doesn't lump into one gargantuan mess inside my head. Unlike stories by Johanna Lindsey & Judith McNaught where they seem perfectly happy to follow the same formula over and over and over again.

The only I reason I bought this book was because the premise just happened to be one of my long-running fantasies about meeting Prince William. In HRH, a princess goes to Africa to help out in an international aid organization and works with an enigmatic plain-blooded doctor. Violence happens in the camps and the princess learns about love and life as she goes through everything. Reverse the situation and that's pretty much what my life fantasy is all about.

I don't know if it's any good yet. I just bought the book on a whim in Fully Booked Cubao (not proud of the price --- P485... yuck, expensive for a flim-flam novel) and am yet to break th cellophane wrapping.

Oh well. Wish me luck. :P


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