Vote Yamin!

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It's late and I should be really sleeping instead, but I just dropped by to issue a quick plea to any blessed soul in the US who CAN vote the next American Idol to please, please vote for Elliot Yamin. You've got two hours to do it so please dial those 8600 (not 1800) numbers and don't vote for spam.

I was prepared to say goodbye to my AI bet tonight, because I know America has a tendency to vote for spam. But Elliot had been truly, superbly, amazingly fantastic in his performances tonight. He did come in as a sort of underdog in the competition, and I'm hoping that'll make him a bit more endearing to the masses. He's not Seacrest-pretty, or flauntingly sexy but talent is talent and entertainment is entertainment, diba? He deserves to be in the semi-finals. I mean, it would be heartbreaking if he didn't. All the judges agreed he came in fighting and he succeeded.

Talent-wise, he sung better than Katherine McPhee -- whose last song was a bit strained and Randy Jackson was just being nice by saying it was just "a little" pitchy. I mean, c'mon. That overdone screeching was pitched like a curved ball from hell. But okay, I'll stop bashing Kathy because she's dime a dozen anyway. Go original. Go Taylor Hicks or Chris Daughtry if you want. But better yet, go Yamin. :)

Night, y'all.


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