38 Degrees

Summer absolutely sucks. It sucks if you're not in the beach or somewhere near a big body of water. The heat can absolutely fray nerves --- downside of living in a tropical country in a world afflicted with global warming.

So humid and I'm so pissed off; I have definitely been on Assassin mode the whole day:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Except that I don't look this hot.

What I would've wanted to be was this:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Although I'd be sure to check if that adorable polar bear is vegetarian (which is impossible) or sticks to fish as good polar bears ought to.

I spent my whole mornings downloading American Idol 5 songs on this amaaaazing blog / site rickey.com. He's Pinoy-American ( so need I discuss where he gets his ingenuity), and he gets away with posting mp3s of the performances of the contestants. Took me four hours to do it, but I have every single one of my favorite songs as sung by Daughtry, Yamin and one of my eliminated favorites -- David Radford. I was kind of surprised to find that the only song by a female contestant I wanted to download was that of McPhee's rendition of Queen's "I Want to Live Forever", but only because I like the song.

Oh goodness, I can spend forever commenting on the AI contestants. But I'll just content myself by showing you this cool pic: The Top 5 were in a Ford Commercial or some other, and my favorites were the very picture of hotness. yes, even Elliot! :) Sorry, I just absolutely adore this guy now. This guy just radiates goodness and homeliness with that little extra, y'know? Have you seen him offering his comforting hugs and shoulder squeezes to the other contestants when he is proclaimed safe? Unlike, let's say Paris, who just smiles triumphantly and marches to the couch with nary a look to the others still left standing. That's just a small thing, but it's got to be an indicator. And coupled with his amazing voice, I find myself not caring much about the distracting buck teeth and wide-eyed stares. And of course, Elliot's hobbit-esque countenance is an actual plus factor for me, strange girl as I am. Hehe, anyway, I blabber. The pic's here:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Although, McPhee isn't one of my favorites, I have to admit she's hot.

Alright then, enough with the Paris Hilton language. (oooh, Paris Hilton! I haven't done any entries on her yet... ) I'm off to sleep then, hope to God I won't smother myself in my sleep just so not to wake up to another sizzling summer day.

Please allow me to go off tangent now and sign off with a plea ---

Let's not be mass murderers. Let's do what little we can to stop tainting the air, releasing dangerous substances into the atmosphere and polluting waters ---- This summer heat isn't an isolated event. It's an EFFECT of humanity's carelessness and I'm sorry to say, stupidity. Someday, we're all going to die of heat stroke, if the food we eat or the evolution of our body (for the worse) doesn't get to us first.


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