The Only Season

Live Update Insert:

Not five minutes ago, Missy came back!! :) I am so totally right, she's not dead!! I'm sure I would know. I. Am. Sure. What does it say though that i can be so connected to a dog? Ah-eh... Don't care. I will trust my gut feel more than ever now.

Now back to our regular programming.


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Kat McPhee loses.

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Taylor Hicks wins American Idol Season 5.

Well, I'm just glad a SPAM did not win. But wasn't just that the best season finale ever????? Of course, it's the only AI Finale I ever watched, but the magnitude of the feedbacks of other AI watchers seem to validate that this is the best show Fox TV has ever pulled for AI.

What started out as a cheesy reality star search has reached its epic proportions when they now perform at the Kodak (my dream stage), and stars like Mary J. Blige and Dionne Warwick are wont to perform. Not bad. I'm almost impressed!

I kind of enjoyed the fact that they tried to show the the best parts of their audition as well. I didn't get to watch that part, and the American Idol Awards gave me a succinct summary. Man, they were bad. :)

I totally forgot that Carrie Underwood won AI last year, and I find it sweet that she decided to make Christian songs. I guess that's why she excelled and her album sold a lot. She opened the finale as she bids goodbye to the title.

The first major performance involved all the other Idol finalists singing Burt Bacharach songs. God, I didn't even know Bacharach was still alive. But the moment my Aunt heard him introduced, she instantly perked up and paid attention to the tube. When Dionne Warwick started singing, she was in heaven. Meanwhile, I cried when Elliot sang A House is Not a Home. God, Elliot, you look damn funny and other people say you ain't got the charm. But I would marry you in a second. Hear that? In. A. Second. Just sing to me It Had to Be You and If Tomorrow Never Comes Somebody to Love and (oh, I'd die if you do this) Moody's Mood for Love over and over and over.... oooops... sorry, blabbing again.

Anyway. AI had this weird time filler segment called Puck and Pickler. Kelly's shot at being an ingenue doesn't sit well with me. Feels like a farce. She didn't come across as innocent and pure --- she just seemed stupider than she really is. Now, why would anyone want to be portrayed that way?

I was especially glad that the other finalists were also given a chance to performs songs with some renowned American artists. It totally blew me away to hear Elliot sing the U2 song ONE. To make matters even more mind-shattering, Mary J. Blige sings with him! How cool is it that the best performance on the stage that night was Elliot --- again! Although Paris's duet with Al is a close second.

Worst performance during the finale? MEATLOAF.

For some five seconds I almost pitied Kat. Her voice was good as per usual, but was totally dampened by Meatloaf's off-key recitation of Celine Dion's It's All Coming Back. It's a damn song, not a stage play, man!

The Idols would be officially on tourand that would be completely off-acess to me now. Oh ell. I don't think I can stand to watch next year's AI. This too much excitement for a measly show is just too much for me now. I'm old. I'm freaking 24 going on 50 and I don't think my heart can take any more of it. :)

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Reminscent of the Boy Band Era and yet again --- I'm going for the shortest albeit nicest guy. Hay. Some things never change.

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Soul Diva with the Funky White Boy

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Yey for Elliot!

Thanks to for the pics. :)


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