
Bye Elliot!

Dude, you do look like a Wolfman, but as Randy Jackson would say it, You're da bomb!

Sob! :( I will miss you, man!

I really don't have a lot of news for today. I find myself more interested to daydream about meeting Elliot someday. When he's not attached anymore. Annnnyyywayyy.

I just finished writing my speech for that Toastmaster thing on Monday. I still have mixed feelings about that group. But I still am gonna give it my best go. I just hope I don't bore my officemates to pieces.

Oh. i really need to start writing a story soon. My hands are itching that way again. And my brain is fizzled in that way when a good story is about to pop out but can't because I'm too busy thinking about other stuff (like today's Malabon activity and tomorrow's Little Olympics for another project). GOD! I really need You to help me find my niche here. I just am finding it absolutely impossibl to WRITE. You can't mean me to stay this half-distracted forever, right? Help me out here, puh-lease?

Oh, zoning out now.


  1. Dear, i think it's time you take a writing class or join a workshop. That usually helps clear out the cobwebs that's been in the attic forever, if you get my drift.

    Speaking of which, is it ok po if i let you see my story tapos gimme some feedbacks on it? *very nervous* hehe... pretty please? with a coffee date on top? ^^

  2. YEs, ba! But are you sure you want to get my opinion? I'm not editor-like in any way... not by a mile and a half. :) but yeah, I'd love to, if you really are sure. :p


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