Would You Eat Your Friendly Sea Pussy Cat?

A human rights organization has a new bid to save more marine life from being consumed by cruel, avaricious humans. A campaign to call fish as sea kittens are now being targeted at children.

“If children were taught to refer to fish as "sea kittens," reflecting that fish, like cats and dogs, are "individuals" that "do have friendships," fewer fish might be killed for food or sport, said Pulin Modi, a spokesman. "We want people to realize that more fish are killed each year than all animals combined," he said. "They don't have the sympathy of more popular animals like cats and dogs."

A valiant concept, if I ever saw one. Although I have to say, I still lean towards moderation rather than annihilation of desires for our fellow living creatures. People have got to eat something more than air, you know. If we are going to go as far as calling fish as sea kittens, let’s take it the whole block and call vegetables as puppy greens. That way, every living organism is our friend, and we would always think twice about eating them. I also think the organization should work with population control advocates because together, they can rule the world or what’s left of it.

Just to play a thought here. What if children do get sensitized enough to call fish as sea kittens, and still see fish being eaten by cruel, avaricious adult humans? Will they think that since fish is good food, they can also try to check out if actual feline kittens are just as delish?

To read the odd news, click the link:

Disclaimer: I am anti-animal cruelty, and I don’t believe in killing animals for sport. But I am also pro-human, in the sense that we have GOT to eat something.


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