Life's A Beach

Yeah, I hate summer. But not when I'm in the beach. Below are pics I took with my camphone when we went to various beaches. Yeah, beach bum who hates the sun. Irony abounds.

Puerto Galera with workmates

Nice view from afar...

But it kind of sucks when you're on White Beach already. The mass of humanity, erck.

Marcelle, Bing and Tita Remy inside the ferry to White Beach

Ian with JBart. Yeah, J's in PBSP na rin (he was my college classmate). Cool.

Bing and I, chillin' at the bar... or the closest we got to it.

Beauuuutifuuul CAMIGUIN!!!

Sunrise at Camiguin's White BEach, infinitely better than Galera...

Polvoron sand.... niceness!

Dre, Yel and Sep ( yeah, we're into three-lettered nicknames) playing at being mermaids... or doing beach yoga. I get confused.

Mount Hibok-hibok at the background, taken from the sandbar.

At the sunken cemetery....

At the cold waterfalls... the water was so freakin' cold....

Nasugbu, Batangas

Beauty --- but just don't go into the itchy water.

Ella's idea of hittin' the beach : armed to the teeth with her office documents, laptop and manang bag. Sweet!
Swingin' at Matabungkay....
Not the beach. Sonya's Garden, actually. But love the benches. Love the trip.
Hay. Love the beach. (Even if I still hate the sand). Maybe, I can survive summer.


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