After Hours (Or is it before?)

Book in Hand: The Third Secret by Steve Berry (on loan from Bing's husband)

Did not mean to blog so early in the morning. But I had one of those strange night time occurences again and I've been fighting off sleep at least until sunrise. Just to be on the safe side.

I wish I could read my borrowed book, but I have temporarily lost my appetite for anything else but the latest Dresden Files. I've heard Small Favor (I think the 10th in the series) is coming out this month in the US. That probably means I have to wait til next month to get my hands on it. Meanwhile, the 3rd Secret isn't so bad. It's about the last secret Our Lady supposedly divulged to Lucia in Fatima. Funny, I remember reading the documentary book about that divine apparition back when I was 12. I remembered getting so freaked out for my soul that I spent every minute worrying I won't get to heaven because I wasn't reciting the rosary as much as I ought to. Heh. I still worry.

My aunt cleaned our room and found some of my books. I realized I forgot about the stuff my Book Club friends gave me for my birthday. I still have left Fforde's The Eyre Affair, Kiko Machine something and Le Guin's Compass Rose untouched. A travesty, I must agree. Bili ako ng bili tapos ang dami ko ng tambak. I think I even have Christopher Golden's second Borderland book still in its original wrapping lying around somewhere.

On the other hand, my own fiction has taken a battering with my recent schedule. My problem is, after having a lull in writing, I end up losing interest in my own story. Then I start another. I couldn't count the number of notebooks which have a couple of scribblings already (the start of a new yarn), but have somehow been abandoned. So, I lost interest again in that new version of We Who Have...

I ought to stick to my writing sched. I shoulda. I ought to stick to a story too. And someday, it'll be there again. That thing I have to write that i will burn if I let it go unwritten.

Well, it's 4 a.m. now. I've been up since the "thing" around 2. I want to go back to sleep now. Pray I don't get bothered this time. Nyt! Or, 'Mornin'!


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