Good News Sunday: You Choose.

Today, you woke up, chose to get out of bed, cook breakfast, attend Mass, kiss your kids. Savour Sundays, if only because we only get a limited number of it in a lifetime.

For the first ever Good News Sunday post here at Geek's Guide, I feel great about the following:

1. Yes, Donaire did lose his boxing bout today. But isn't it fantastic that we have two, perhaps three, of this Decade's best boxers in history? People actually turned out to watch this fight. Not just Pinoys, but people from around the world. Obviously, this is not Amateur Night, people. :D

2. Cats are all over the Internet. But Dog-Lovers unite! Here is one undeniably cute post of french bulldogs and the baldest baby I've ever seen this side of the net-verse. Ha! Take that, kitty cat!

3. According to Rappler, a lot of people are HAPPY about the recent Senatorial debates. It's been pretty telling who of the candidates wants it bad, and who might actually be decent enough to vote. Have you got your line-up already? Feel free to share.

4. Bloomberg names Philippines as one of the Top 20 emerging markets. This sounds like good news, eh? I know it would take some time before this news translate to our day-to-day lives, but the promise of a better economy is a step forward. And all we need is good media anyhow to re-establish our image in the global arena. However, this ought to inspire us to become better citizens instead of shrugging it off as temporary. How can you help? :D

5. Oh and did you hear that we were also touted as one of the top diving sites in the world? We're 3rd in the Scuba Diving Magazine Top 100 Readers' Choice Survey for 2013. I don't dive (yet), but i do love snorkeling and I still don't have the words to describe what I saw the first time I saw what's underneath our lovely blue seas. Makes me itch to go to the beach as in now na.

There's our round-up today. Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone. Watch out for next week's Good News Sunday!


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