You Can Smell it in the Air

Book in Hand: Game of Thrones by George Martin
Song in Mind: Dastardly Pinoy Big Brother Theme Song --- Getitoffame!!!

It's all at SM... we've got it all for you...

Theme Song of the Universal Capitalist. Music to the ear of the unwitting Consumer. Hay. Christmas is in the air! Can you feel it? SM does make sure you at least have an idea it's coming. With what all the shimmery ornaments they make sure they put up two days before even Halloween is over. And all the people are looking around, swarming about, touching the glittering stuff they have on display but completely unable to buy anything they want.

E-VAT be damned! From an economist's point of view, the additional tax seems rational -- even logical. But that self same economist must be a father or a mother too, a daughter or a son to a family that needs to be fed. In the country right now, we couldn't handle the E VAT. Money is the mother lode of most problems in the country and here they are asking for more taxes. IF we had a good government system, this thing will work. IF we had honest politicians who make sure the money goes to where it is intended, it will most definitely work. But we don't have any of these. We don't have any freaking reliable politician in the whole of this 7,ooo islands. Unfortunately, we were the ones who voted for these dicks. We bought their stuff on display just like we do in SM.

Shit Mart this is. You can smell it in the air.


Okay, this rant MAY have been brought about by the fact that I am completely broke right now. Back in February, I was so smarmy that I was planning to buy my gifts by October and have it finished before Samhain. Sure thing.

Unless I rob a bank today, I won't even be able to afford a decent pair of socks for my best friend. Lotsa bullocks my plans were.


At least I'm rested. That's what I've been doing the last few days over the Halloween break. I go back to work tomorrow and although I'm not happy about it, I am completely game for it. I HAD to go back sooner. If I want to keep it.


I need help. I keep buying all these books and I am pretty sure I won't have the time to read it anyway. I actually have shown some constraint already, putting back books I know I can never read but would like to buy for the sake of showing it off on my book shelf. This is the reason why I am almost always broke. What little money I have left after giving my part to the house (credit cards not even my own, electricity, telephone bills, oh please... don't let me get started) goes down the drain because I'll see a book I like.

I'm just as bad as the rest of the world.

I'm a book fiend. ANd it's not nice anymore.


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