Stuck in Two Worlds

What's the best way to become unstuck when you're caught between two worlds? I swear I'm not living my life right today... I keep schmoozing off to La-la Land. I have a story brewing inside my head for the past few days and there's nothing more I'd like to do than plop myself in front of my compuer and just write it.

So, you ask, why can't I?

Well, there's the small matter of having to work. Hay. Real writers out there will say Boo You! If you want to write then just do it. Writers write. Wannabes whine.

Even my ideas aren't so original. I'm doing an anthology nowadays. I called the collection "We Who Have Fallen Asleep" and it covers various states and tales of sleeping and waking. Even allegorical ones.

I commend Yoshimoto for the idea, but these would be composed of short stories the ideas of which germinated from those already told by Tolkien, Berg, Black, de Maupussant, de Lint, and various other authors who make my (imaginary) life so much more exciting than it actually is.
In truth, there are no new stories, just new ways of telling it. So I'm trying my hand at that.

The first story in the anthology is a modern faery tale. Note the different way faery was spelled... this isn't going to be "Cinderella rehashed". I just wish I can write it already. Get this lazy fingers to work.

And who to play the Knight? Aherm... note pic below. That's the GUY. (sigh...)
And who to play the heroine? Aherm. *blush* Me? Kung okay lang naman sa kanya.

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I swear, sometimes I can still be in high school rather than the 23-year-old-geek that I am. :)
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