Geeky Guys

Book in Hand: Reave the Just by Stephen Donaldson
Song in Mind: Can't Fight the Moonlight by LeAnn Rimes

I can't believe I totally forgot to include Professor Lupin from Harry Potter in my list of good guys in fantasy. And I don't mean that screwy, stringy guy they portrayed him in the last Potter movie. The Lupin I imagined him to be was really more of a thinner Hugh Jackman.

Anyway, that completely sealed my fate as a geeky girl. People who know me and who read this blog will make it known officially... as if the blog title wasn't enough to tip them off. :)

Am officially hating Mondays. Today, I woke up still thinking about the last Joey episode. It was a re-run last night, but it was okay since it was the very first and I never caught that. It's not as good as Friends was, but it still cracks me up. Watching the series has become part of my Sunday routine, just as much as CSI is (all three in consecutive airing times! yey!).

Today, an onslaught of work just caught me off-guard... yet again. As ever the last few blasted days. What I can't believe still is that it really does NEVER end. People do deal with life this way.. one challenge after the next without reprieve and with very little succor. Good lords. HOW IN THE FREAKING WORLD DID WE MANAGE TO SURVIVE CENTURIES???

I wonder if Einstein was ever this burdened. Or Mozart. I believe it was said they were. So even being a genius doesn't excuse your from hell. What does then? Not being human may be one, for starters.

Ahhh, I rant. Life's one whole ranting rampage. What to cool me down? Hmmm... lemme see.
THis picture might just do the trick:

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Freaking, right I was. Tricksy.
Goodnight, one and all!


  1. Hi, Liv! Sep here, I have this other, more humane blog so if you can change your links from my LJ to That LJ is for mean kicks and for being obnoxious to those who still read it after my work fiasco, meaning former workplace people. All right? =)


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