diary of susie spacehead

Body Weight: 200+++ pounds
Brain Mass: 5 ounce

Oh goodness. This day -- it's just so --- beyond description.

I truly believe I am slowly turning dumb and dumber. How does that come about? From geeky goddess to susie spacehead??

Riding one of my perennial taxis to Makati (my only time for introspection in my godforsaken work), it dawned on me that it might just be because my brains have been dealing with splat lately. Zero challenge for the last 2 years. I mean, work is brain power, sure. But I think I need a different kind of mental exercise. Something that'll keep my thinking processes disciplined and sharp. My brain has just recognized that, in PBSP, I might have just stressed myself witless (literally).

I've even lost my edge in English. I buckle just like the next retard now. :) My choice of words have become rudimentary. Scary, huh? If I don't do anything about it soon, I'll just be as stupid as the last dodo.

It is soooo hard for me to admit this, but, I might have just read too much fantasy books and too little of everything else. Not even the newspaper, for chrissakes.

So now, I vow to undertake... Project Smarten Up.

Any ideas how? Anyone? :)


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