A Peek Into my Daydreams
Today is my parents' 27th Wedding Anniversary. Still together apparently. And going quite strong until eternity. Not bad, eh? :) -=-=--=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I often have daydreams. Heck, I always have daydreams. Sometimes, it's a chronicling of what I hope was happening to me instead of my current life or a far flung fantasy which could only come true if pigs suddenly fly. But, I suppose it's entertaining or else I wouldn't have continued doing it for the last 25 years. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here's my current one. Let's call it, The Rebirth of Schahrazad I am waiting to cross the street in a busy intersection. The pedestrian signal goes green. I cross. Coming from the other side is this frail old lady who can barely take 2 steps without shaking really bad. I opted to help. I get her safely to the side I came from and I take a look at the lights. It's still green. I probably can still make it to the other side if I walk fast. I cross. Out of the co...