Need Part-time Job

I am posting this call for your recommendations. I am in dire need of a third job, one which I can work evenings for. No green ideas now. :) I don't think the world's oldest profession would even think once to hire me.

I am currently looking for the following opportunities (NCR, Philippines):
* Night shifts in call centers (inbound preferred)
* Graveyard shifts in coffee shops (barista)
* English tutorials for non-English speakers (i.e. Koreans, Thai, etc.)
* Home-based tutoring for kinder 1 to grade 6 pupils any subject.
* Ghost writing essays and researches for high school & college students.

My strength is that I work well with people -- I believe I've got a friendly demeanor and patience to get lessons across. UP-educated, graduated with honors, excellent grasp of the English language, solid background on Psychology, both parents academicians... I'll stop here and just send my resume if you guys can recommend anything. :)

Limiting factor is that I am keeping my day job so the required hours for the positions are preferably somewhere between the 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. slot.

Know someone / someplace / something? I may be reached through my email: or leave a comment here.

As the sole breadwinner in my family, this would help me keep our financial resources from reaching catastrophic levels. Any help would be a great help already and may save my sanity. :) Please?

Thank you, guys.


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