Where's Rickey?

Okaaaaay... Who's Rickey?

The industrious blogger, that's who. He's just like you and me -- addictive to blogging, but somehow his transcedental commitment to bringing us the lowdown on everything Reality TV, including the successful run of his American Idol forums and threads, has brought him to heights never before imaginable for a Pinoy Blogger.

Yours truly had been a constant visitor, always excited to download his uploaded mp3s of the AI performances, especially that of Elliot! Since he diverts thousands of AI fans from the Official AI website, Fox TV hates his guts. But I say, such a big, powerful company like the Big Bad FOX wouldn't really have their fur all ruffled up if it wasn't a formidable opponent they're facing, right? :) Yea, Rickey's the Dude. He's got the MAN down.

Funny then that I found out he was actually part of the audience in the FOX show Live with Regis and Kelly two weeks ago. He posted some pics where we can see Fox's blatant logo, and what do you know, there is little Rickey who slipped past their fingers! Hilarious!

This is Rickey:

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Now, let's play a game:

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Teeheee.... go girl. :)

Anyway, I find the fact that he actually met Elliot very fascinating. He said, and I quote:

"My name is Rickey and this blog is the most awesome thing I’ve done in my life.

So the day started innocently enough. I was determined to wake up early and not miss Elliott Yamin’s appearance on Live with Regis Vaughn and Kelly, like I did with Chris Daughtry a couple of weeks back because I got sick. I placed my alarm clock right beside my ear to make sure that I woke up. Ate the one consistent thing in my life right now (oatmeal), texted Jodi and I was on my way.

I got to the studio just in time and Elliott was already being mobbed by a small crowd, in fact I couldn’t see him. I had to push a little bit, but once I got near enough, he left! Drat. And then it happened, someone screamed my name: “Rickey!” To which I said “Hi”, but a few seconds later, I got mobbed by the Yaminions! It was thrilling and terrifying at the same time to hear someone say: “Oh we got see Elliott and Rickey.” Waaaa. I didn’t know what to do so I just posed with the fans. Hahaha.

"Yaminion Ashley said she had an extra ticket to a show on Fox later in the afternoon, and invited me to join. *Light bulbs!* And I said yes. I basically cancelled my morning appointment so I can head off to Fox with Jodi in tow. It turns out we were going to be the studio audience for a show I’ve never heard before called DaySide. Jodi and I bonded with Ashley (thanks for the tickets!), Jean (you rock!) and Jen (who hugged Elliott, and said he didn’t smell like cookies but all boy) while waiting in line. "

"One really negative thing that happened though was when Jodi and I overheard this awful sound bite from the blonde PA of the show to one of her colleagues as the fans were leaving: “If you were born looking like that you would have thought you were doomed.” I couldn’t believe it. Everybody write FOX News Channel now! What a disgrace." (I AM FUMING MAD! - Olivia)

"After the show, we waited around for Elliott and our patience paid off when he showed up. This was my opportunity to get our ultra-rare rickey.org t-shirt signed! I come up to Elliott and just as he was about to sign the shirt, his EVIL handler told him not to sign the shirt! WTF? I realized later that I shouldn’t have revealed that it was a rickey.org shirt because apparently, Fox really hates me. No! But Elliott was still nice about it and told me, “Dude I can’t sign this.” He called me dude. Yay. And so I tried to whip my camera instead but at this point I couldn’t muscle my way since he was being mobbed by the other fans. Oh well. We’ll try to get our ultra-rare rickey.org t-shirt signed by an Idol one way or another.

Elliott Yamin is awesome! He’s like half an inch shorter than I am and he’s scrawny. Haha. Love it. For about thirty minutes, Jodi and I walked around Times Square dazed (and looking for food). We were pretty much American Idol drunk. And that’s a very very accurate description. We finally ended up at Bubba Gump for a late lunch.

My name is Rickey and this blog is the most awesome thing I’ve done in my life. Thanks for all your support."

You gotta love this guy. :)
Visit him at www.rickey.org/blog


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