
Oh joy! Oh bliss!

I got home in time to watch the American Idol re-runs on ABC 5 featuring the best performances of my favorites: Chris and Elliot! Tonight, I realized how utterly mono-stylistic Chris is, how he turns everything to rock which is cool but can get, boring.

Meanwhile, Elliot sang according to the emotions of the song -- ecstatic, wistful, sad, rock, pop -- and yet still making it his own. When his videos started, it was enough to lure my Dad out of his room asking "Who's that singing?"

I wanted to say:
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"Your future son-in-law; the singer of songs from the land of dreams, who'd sing me to sleep every single night and smile at me with that goofy smile and say I love you just the way you are!"

But judging my Dad's weak heart I had to content myself with, "Elliot!!!" delivered in a voice more gushy than I intended it to be. And besides, E seems very much in love with his girlfriend. That lucky girl. She kinda deserves it, y'know, for choosing Elliot and being there for him even when he was still the lost boy E claimed he was. Yeah. One helluva fortune teller, that girl. Or maybe, she just really loves him.

Lookadat, ain't she pretty?

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Enough about me and illusions though. Let me provide you with an update about what's up with Elliot the past few weeks, whether you care or not (but I hope you care!).

Taylor and Kat had been snagged up by Clive Davis' recording studio but Elliot hasn't inked a deal yet. I'm not really very sorry to hear that Davis hasn't given E a contract yet, because if you would remember Davis was the one who gave such awful suggestions to the AI finalists during his guest appearance. Anyway, E had been busy making rounds of children's hospitals opening up charity functions and social events. Wouldn't it be cool to have Elliot sing for a charity event I am facilitating? It's not such a far reality since I do those kind of stuff, except that I'm in Manila and he's in the US. But that's just a trans-geographical glitch which can be resolved by, uhm, er, excessive wishing.

Oh and yeah! He recently sang the American National Anthem during the recent Mavs - Heat NBA finals! His look? Weird as usual; hobbit-esque at its mostest. He looked like the real Frodo with a Dallas Mavericks shirt on. And Frodo sang the Star Spangled Banner --- with stylistics.

I tell you, it's surreal. Here, grab a peek:

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He must've been quite the lucky leprechaun though because the Mavs won that game. :)

For a chance to watch the Idol Tour, I'll give my right arm and an extra index toe. Sigh.

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Thanks to Terrie of:http://www.everyopinion.blogspot.com/ and Yaminions for the pics and the news.


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