Ze Veirdest Moofie Oi’ve Effer Seine

(or The Weirdest Movie I’ver Ever Seen written as pronounced by a Frangerman Irelinglish)

“That’s not Magic! It’s just shiny!”
- Will Grimm from the Brothers Grimm movie

Beware shiny things… they have the illusion of grandeur in it. What you took for a knight in magnificent chain mail could just be a court jester decked up in aluminum foil. Nevertheless, as much as you can see through the farce, it still remains to be highly amusing.

This is exactly how I felt watching the movie The Brothers Grimm. There were parts that annoyed me to the point of blurting out “Just Kille Me!” But then, there were a few scenes in there which tickled my imagination and I may well believe it’ll serve as fodder for a story that’s been brewing in my head for a couple of years now. At least I got what little value I could eke out of the Php 151 I paid to watch at the Powerplant Mall.

Anyway, the movie is, as Peloy aptly described it, a bastardization of the Grimm fairytales. Yes, Peloy, the Brothers Grimm did NOT live happily ever after. You are quite right about them turning in their graves as we speak, and the time will come they will arise and wreak vengeance from the guilty. But I have to admit, it was one hell of a bastardization. It’s almost original. :D

The one thing I really could not take is their horrible, ‘orrible confused accents. I don’t know if that’s part of the movie, driving home the point that what we’re seeing is a farce. But it gets distracting, that Frangerman Irelinglish accent, until it comes to the point that it’s downright atrocious.

As for the story line, I found it disjointed. They tried to connect together the Grimm stories but no real cohesiveness was achieved. There were even times during the movie I found myself absolutely clueless about what’s going on-screen.

It still is watch-able though. And of course, need I say, Heath Ledger is in it. He acts a bit looney throughout the whole movie, but well, darn it, that’s Heath. So devil may care. Haha!

I had an absolutely great time with the bookworms again. Oh and Peloy, I was stupid enough to give away my copy of the Neverending Story. Ooooh, I’m so angry at myself right now, I feel like throwing away all the stupid books that I did keep. Like : The Camp Sunnyside Friends, Blood of Ten Chiefs, Irish Memories of Gold…. What the Faaaaa!!!!

Why the heck did I keep those and gave away the magical book?!*&^#@!

Ahh… I just wish, I just wish the person who’ reading it right now likes it. Loves it. Adores it. And will never be a dolt as to give it away again.

Dolt. Dolt. Dolt.

Next time, please, may I borrow the Neverending Story, just so I can reread it and re-live those times when I was more innocent and less of a … you got it…

Dolt. Dolt. Dolt.


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