
Book in Hand: Whistle While You Work
Song in Mind: Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day
Word in Mouth: MMpphh!

My Blogger Dashboard just told me this was my 100th entry… not bad, eh? It means I’ve been blabbing a LOT. J Anyway, Congratulations to me! I never really thought I’d stick it out with this “blogging thing” because I used to be a very avid fan of journal writing the old way. Nowadays, I still am, I have a journal. But that’s mostly for secret-secret stuff that not even I have the guts to blog about. Everyday musings might as well be recorded here. Keeps the mind occupied.

It’s so much like puttering. Have any of you ever realized the sacredness of just puttering around? In the mornings when I get to work, I love puttering about my desk. Arranging the stones in a new arrangement, wiping away dust, rearranging papers I plan to take care of for the day. It’s like warming up the car engine before a long haul. Puttering also works at home. Whenever I feel out of balance, I just start cleaning things and almost always, the bad clouds clear too. People know me, and I’m not OC at all. I have no thing for obsessing about cleanliness. I go for comfort more. But one would have to admit that the most comfortable place usually is a clean place.

I can just be the laziest person in the world in a very good disguise. But puttering works for me. I just have to remember not to be so engrossed that I forget to stop and do real work. Like now. SO here I go now.

Duty calls.


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