Good Friday

Book in Hand: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
Song in Mind: Hoo-hoohoo, hee-heee-hee, wiggle-wiggle-wiggle and laugh with me!
Word in Mouth: Gayb!

I am a tad guilty. Today is Good Friday and as my Mummy keeps on saying I should be observing the holy rites of Christ's death. I know I am wrong, and all my justifications will not render me correct, but I do not feel like being doleful today. We spent the whole day in an uncle's house where my adorable, adorable cousin simply filled up my hours with play. The kind of play that is actually hard work. Whew! Taking care of kids ain't easy! It took me two hours to get him to take a nap. I told him the story of "Rumpelstiltzkin" complete with funny voices and all! (Had to take lozenges afterwards. I scratched my throat because i cackled and cuckooed a lot) It all paid off though. On the last wing of his resistance to sleep, just when he was about to close his eyes, he looked at me and gave me the sweetest smile I've ever seen in heaven and earth. Worth it, worth it, worth it. I could do that for six hourse straight if he'd do that again. Soon he'd be too grown up for my stories, and I'm going to take as much as I could now. Gayb's turning two in July.

All in all, I've been having a good week. Since I only went to the office for two days. =P I think I know now that I am getting old. Back when I was student, I reproached adults who treat the Holy Week as a week-long vacation -- time to swim, time to make pasyal, time to make jolly. That's because I had a whole summer to do all that. But now that I'm also working where there is no summer vacation, I have this urge to fill the holy days with everything fun and relaxing too. Don't worry though, my Mummy makes sure we all observe the Passion of Christ, and I'm not so jaded as to completely turn my back on what we've been taught to do half my life.

So to everyone, have a Good Friday. Talk to you again on Easter Sunday!


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