Just Because It Makes Me Smile

This is my latest picture, taken yesterday during our unit's annual office clean-up. One good thing about my hospitalization was that I thinned out a teeny weeny bit, enough to make people notice and remark :You've slimmed down a lot!" :p Ah. There's still some small good things. :p
In the pic:
Seated left is Bing who is a babe who can crunch numbers and married (sorry guys) to the wackiest bald young lawyer I know.
Seated right is Geo who is just a couple inches higher than a fire hydrant but quite feisty and smart alecky. You'd love to have her in your corner when there's an argument ensuing. Believe me, you'd always win.
Standing left is Ian who's my best friend at work. And he's miserable company but I love him because he's the kindest creature in God's universe. :p
Posted this to remind me I haven't lost everything.
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