Ma'am May I Go Out? Yes, You May!

Book in Hand: I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith

What would it mean if I say that for me, the year 2005 just started picking up?

In our office, we have a mandatory leave over the holidays. It usually lasts two weeks. But just like everything else in this crappy year (and because of the numerous instant holidays Gloria has dictated) we cut our forced leave this year a bit shorter. It officially starts today and ends January 1. But since some people feel it's their right to take month-long vacations, I don't feel the least guilty by applying to extend my leave until January 3. Two crappy days, my goodness, using my hard-earned day-off credits. Thing is, I'm scared to absent myself more than two days because by then, the work waiting for me in the office is tantamount to a tidal wave which could possibly sweep me away from my last hinges of sanity and over the edge of my last vestiges of decency. But that's two weeks away still, so I won't even think about it now. What I am hard-pressed to wonder about at this moment is if I did qualify for a bonus this year. It does not seem forthcoming. (O, give love on Christmas Day! Ang boooo-nus, ibigay nyo na... Nasan na ang bonus ko, nasan na ang bonus koooo?))

Oh, there is no other year I'd like to leave as soon as I want to leave 2005!

Hardships, over now, please!
Poverty (the world and mine), over now, please!

Looking back, I have ever been struggling since the start of the year. Struggling with my job (do I hate it? do i love it?), struggling with money, struggling to understand how things have changed, struggling to understand how I have changed, struggling to write again, struggling to revise my dreams as I built it when I was younger (it kills something in you to revise a dream, it does), struggling to want to stay alive (isn't it half mortifying and half tantalizing to know that you could "accidentally" slip off a ledge or drink the wrong medicine and hereth ends all misery? I kid you not --- well, maybe just half-kidding), struggling not to kill anyone (well, I'm really kidding now). Sorry for the last two, I've gone a bit cookier since the last time the world checked and I might have lost a couple of chocolate bits.

I'm leaving the year quite happily behind me. I'm not looking back. Here we end, goodbye. Good riddance.

And as the dolphins would have said it, "So long and thanks for all the fish."


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