
Book in Hand: Gifts by Ursula Le Guin
Song in Mind: All I Want by Stephen Bishop

Nope. I don't necessarily have ANYTHING to say. I just got sick of my last entry and I want to update.

So I guess I'll tell you how I've been doing with my Christmas shopping. Woohoo! How exciting, ryt?

Yah, sure's not. But it beats telling you how I watched our neighbor's goat eat up Mummy's newly planted flowers. Yah. I should've booed them away. But if I did, what would I watch then, huh?

Back to shopping. I have engaged myself in very minimal buying activity for the last 2 weeks. This time last year, I was already bursting with excitement --- with most of my Christmas shopping done. This year, I stil get surprised when I hear Christmas songs in the radio.

I guess, I have to disappoint myself a little this year. I can't go into my "Santa-zone" this December. This one's gonna be as simple as it could come.

One good thing is I found a VCD copy of "ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS". It's an old kiddie Christmas movie and I first watched it when I was like nine or ten. I had a huge crush on Ethan Randall then. I wa so dead happy to find a copy last week. I was kind of hoping watching it again would remind me how I loved Christmas when I was a kid. Maybe it can bring some old magic back.

And it did. A little. The one thing that mystifies me is this:

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He was a pretty cute kid, huh? But when I see him in his newer movies, he feels weird. I mean, something feels broken now. I can't explain it in words.

But if he is broken, who isn't anyway?


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