It Never Ends

Book in Hand: Shadow of the Hegemon by Orson Scott Card
Song in Mind: Piano in the Dark
Word in Mouth: Stress!

Sorry, I didn't mean to not write for a week. But work just never ends and what little time I have I zealously spend trying to recuperate. I actually need the time to repair my frazzled nerves. Whew! Nobody wold believe the week I had last week. I still can't believe I've lived through it. 6 whole days of unadulterated stress. This work will make me old before my time. But I made it through the worst part of the tunnel, and I see the light at the end of it now. I might just be suffering from a two-year itch from my job, or I just need a change of pace. Soon. I will make a decision about work soon. But for now, here's some pics that make me laugh:

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Olivia Climbed A Mountain. And Actually Made It BAck Down to Tell the Tale.

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Oh, So That's What a Staff is For.

So would I climb back again?

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Bleh! Not if I can help it!


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