What I Do
Book in Hand: A Series of Unfortunate Events - The Austere Academy Song in Mind: Too busy thinking Word in Mouth: Too busy thinking I think I haven't really explained adequately what I do for a living. All I keep saying is that I'm a development officer and that I work for a non-government organization. I also keep repeating that I'm mostly always harassed or stressed or going insane with the workload. I haven't lied. But I did leave out the wonderful parts about doing the job I do. What I do is mostly developing and implementing new projects geared towards social development -- be it in education or health or livelihood. So far, I really am into the groove of educational projects -- I've handled school building projects, helped distribute thousands of school desks all over Luzon, handled employee volunteering activities of different companies. There's the occasional tree-planting stuff, the tutorials, the book donations. I'm extremely proud of a program bei...