Book in Hand: Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding
Song in Mind: Hands to Heaven
Word in Mouth: Death

Yesterday, during Mass, the priest spoke of taking the difficult path as means to reaching heaven. Made me ponder what makes my life difficult. At first, I was just floating around the trivial, like having to handle the projects of Dow Chem, being fat, having very little money, not being able to buy the things I want (mostly books). Then in my mind, I began to step further from myself and I realized that the room was full of people with more or less the same difficulties. And sometimes, some of them even have to deal with a whole lot more. Stuff that makes life difficult for people began to pour into my head: sickness, poverty, depression, desperation, etc. And all these malcontent things surround us. It moves around us, wherever we may go and whenever we take our breath. And every blessed second we have to choose what we think is right. Whatever we think is good.

Every choice we make on this earth has an effect and if you really, really look at it, it's scary. This hit me with such an impact it was accompanied by blinding realization. God, people are so brave. They don't know it. They haven't realized that just the fact that they are alive, and thinking and talking, and making choices no matter how trivial, they are part of this huge exercise on courage. To think that some of us even believe we are cowards. But if they take a real good look, just the fact that they dared venture to think of cowardice makes them brave already.

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