Pinoy Dogfight


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For more than a month, the whole country was focused on the Morales and Pacquiao fight. Of course, we were all rooting for the Pac-man. He's Filipino and I want a countryman to bag the award, the money and the glory.

But I hate boxing. I really, really do. It brings to mind dogfights, which it actually is. I hate the blood and the gore and the viciousness of the sport. I hate seeing broken noses as well as reddening and purpling bruises on faces. And what I hate most is that people are actually cheering while someone gets clobbered in the arena. It brings to mind the gladiator days and it leaves a foul taste in my mouth.

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud that Pacquiao won. But happy? No.

Besides, I have this huge crush on Erik Morales. Did you see his bloodied pulp of a face? Oh, sweetie, come here and I'll clean you right up. Hay.


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Actually, this two aren't exactly fighting. It's just that at home, we're fighting about who's a better singer. My Mum and Dad likes Mark. My sister too. I like Christian, but only because out of sheer loyalty to our Alma Mater. Well, okay, I admit I had a sort of crush on this guy a couple of years ago. But I'm starting to dislike his smugness. Even his niceness has an edge now. You can see he's really suplado underneath. Meanwhile, Mark is getting the bulk of the family votes because he's so wholesome, pero hindi daw nakakasawa. And he can connect to the audience more (which I admit is true). And his voice is more versatile. Weird lang that they're both Bautistas. I think if I attended their concerts, I'd be leaving Christian's show thinking, "Wow, galing!" But after leaving Mark's, I'd probably go, "What a great guy!" And knowing Pinoys, likability weighs more than anything else.


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This two aren't exactly fighting too. But the whole Pinoy congregation are still deciding who is prettier. Shux. I mean, sorry. I am not a fan of Pinoy Big Brother. I found the show totally hard to follow. And at some point, I couldn't care less who did what and who cried over what and who's underpants had poopoo. Good Lord, if I apply the basics of what could be learned in Psychology, they are all so predictable. BUT - - I did think Uma is gorgeous. And totally gay. It took a while for me to like Sam, although I unwittingly had a crush on him before he was even in Pinoy Big Brother (he was that guy in that toothpaste commercial, right?). Well, at home, they are all big Sam die-hards. Well, my Mum and sister is. And yet again, I find myself defending Uma although I absolutely believe he's too metrosexual at the very least. I haven't any idea what he'd done in PBB, except that he's got the most attitude and the show would probably be very dry without him. I mean hello, Nene, although she emerged the winner and using the same tactics as my favorite Survivor Ethan Zohn, did not have his charisma, his wit and personality. But everyones going ga-ga over Sam now, and they've got cause for it, sure. I wouldn't mind being this guy's girlfriend. But doesn't Uma feel more real? Isn't he more interesting? Gay as a peacock, but completely inscrutable, ain't he?


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Ha. It never ends. I blush to say these three people are who our country call Leaders nowadays. Damned presidents all of them. I am starting to see proof that in the Philippines, it is the system which has gone corrupted. Toppling presidents after the other will not help us. Whoever makes it to the seat are all veritable puppets to the system which has created them. They choose to squabble and talk and delay things. They grandstand, they maneouver, they manipulate.

Jeeezes, what will be our redemption? Can we ever truly rise from this slump? I am starting to disbelieve. Everyday at work, I see the government's inefficiency. And worst, we have to play their game, we NGOs, those in the private sector to ever get anywhere near helping the people. They drag their butts, overly exemplifying themselves, as if they were rajahs and small datus we should pander to. But today, during the Morales-Pacman fight, didn't they look so peacable sitting together rooting for the same person? I wanted to run out, buy a VCR, and record the show - - not for the fighters but the politicians there actually agreeing on something. I forgot what it looked like, this national unity. I thought we wiped it out permanently with our foolishness.

Oh, I'm stopping now because I don't want my whole weekend ruined because I thought of them today. Besides, it's my birthday on Friday and I want that day to be as stress free as possible. I'm even skipping work. But until then, I may not be able to blog because this week is our foundation's anniversary and we have this whole shebang to celebrate it. At the expense of everybody's sanity, no less.

Til Friday then.


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