Another Road Trip

Book in Hand: Year's Best Fantasy 5 edited by David Hartwell
Song in Mind: Tom's Diner by Suzzane Vega

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I will be very honest with you.

I'm in love with traveling. If I can just stay on the road, all problems and issues eventually stays on hold. I am in transition and I can't be bothered by things so far away from me at the moment.

Tomorrow though, I would prefer to stay at home. Today hadn't been a forgiving day (had to help facilitate a super effort-intensive school building turnover ceremony) and I would rather sleep all day tomorrow. Or read. Unfortunately, I have to go on an eight-hour road trip to Naga City in Camarines Sur. The next day, I have to travel two and a half more hours to Tabaco City Albay. There's a computer laboratory turnover ceremony there I have to facilitate. Ah, ghastly. I can only imagine the pain it'll accost my behind. :) I won't be back in Manila until Wednesday. I plan to take Thursday easy, and then travel to Mindoro on Friday for another project.

But that also means I will be in transition for five days out of seven. It's a vacation for my soul even if it will take a hard toll on my body. That wouldn't be so bad then.

It won't be bad at all.


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