this is what i did to distract myself

1. I watched Pirates of the Carribean 2, and decided it is safe to have a crush on Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom at the same time. The movie was a little murky, but I guess the action is all there. Beats the boring Superman Returns anytime.

2. Bought 10 books over the weekend trying to think it will make me feel better. My book total has now reached 1,802 and I am becoming more convinced that my room will be the first to be blackened out if ever our house catches fire (God forbid).

3. Was happy for about five minutes when I was told by my friend that the anniversary issue of Total Woman magazine was already out last Saturday and it features my article. I mean, c'mon, this is a first for me. Published and paid for it. Sure, it was just a silly movies review, but hey, I'll take anything just to feel justified for calling myself a writer. More than the pay, it's a milestone.

4. Wrote a book review for Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and sent it to the My Favorite Book contest of Philippine Star. Anything for the P 5,000 worth of gift certificates from National Bookstore. Next book review would be Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer.

5. Wondered when I would ever start my short story collection. Or if I ever could. May I tell you a bit about it? Well, it'll be about falling asleep. All of them. Various states of being asleep and awakening. The working title of the primary story is, "We Who Have Fallen Asleep" taken from the Bible. Yep, you know, those five foolish maidens and five wise ones who fell asleep while waiting for the master of the house to arrive? Then he comes in the middle of the night and the five foolish girls had to go out and replenish their lamps' oil and wick. Then they came back too late and they get barred from the house forever. I'm adapting that. I'll try.

Well, this is life, isn't it? One should just try. I hope next week, I'll sound happier to you guys. Don't want to scare you to death or anything, but in this blog, I just can't help but show my true feelings. I am truest when I write. Which is unfortunate for you guys.

Til the next time then.


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