Et tu?

Ils disent le Français est la langue de l'amour, et je suppose que c'est le meilleur jour pour l'employer. Mais je dois complètement compter sur Babelfish parce que je ne sais absolument rien au sujet de parler en français.

(They say French is the language of love and I suppose today is the best day to use it. But I have to completely rely on Babelfish because I know absolutely nothing about speaking in French.)

¿Soy engaño, si? Estoy realmente más en el país con español. ¿Pero entonces otra vez, USTED cuidaría para guardar el preguntarse de cuál es yo el INFIERNO que habla?

(I am cheating, right? I'm really more at home with Spanish. But then again, would YOU care to keep wondering what the HELL am I talking about?)

Even I cannot check if the translations are correct. Saw a few wrong connotations with the Spanish version already. Oh, well, Babelfish can only do so much.

St. Valentine's Day is over. It barely registered in my mind. Ha, sure, there was an unusual number of people wearing red today, and even I had to defend why I wore pink. Some of my workmates received flowers and little heart balloons from their loved ones. But other than that, it's really nothing else.

I was more aware that there's this awesome concert happening at the UP Sunken Garden right now and I am not there. Or maybe, i just kid myself. :) Good Lord. 24 years and counting.

Si usted me conoce, después usted sabría de lo que estoy hablando.

And that's how I'm not spending Valentine's Day.
Now I go back to my initial question.

Et tu?


  1. Ayayay! Olivia! Sí, te conozco y yo sé que estas hablando. Sabes que, encontrar a alguien es realmente defícil. ¡Pero tienes que hacer acción! Tengo mucha confianza en ti, Olivia.

    ¡Feliz día de San Valentin!

  2. True, Pinoy. Action is what I lack. Thanks for your vote of confidence. :)


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