On my 29th Birthday

4 months from now I'll be celebrating my last birthday in the 20s range. I know, I sound ancient.

10 years back, I thought 28 is like, an established age already. Obviously, it isn't. And going back to my Life Checklist, well, let's just say I underestimated Father Time and the many things that Life surprises you with.

But if there's one thing I want to do on my 29th birthday, it's this: Fit into a really pretty dress and rock it, like, totally.

If it means eating nothing but cereals for the next 3 months of my life, I will. I just want one photo of me where I am totally drop-dead gorgeous --- Just one photo that I can hold on to as I cross over to 30. Someday, when I have little David and Sophie rummaging through my stuff, I want them to find that picture and say, "Mommy, you're so beautiful!"

And then I'll go, "Ah, yes, I was young and pretty once."

And it'll all be worth it.


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